Slax 7 on HDD: how to fix the “failed to load com32 file /slax/boot/vesamenu.c32” boot error

11 Sep


I succesfully installed Slax 7 on my HDD using the ./ command then, on boot, the system was unable to boot from the HDD. I found that when this error occurs, it is needed to change the SYSLINUX bootloader with another version (don’t know why).
I tried the one suggested in the other post and it worked fine.
To install the bootloader we’ll use the extlinux utility (the synopsis says that it works on ext2 / ext3 filesystems, I was on an ext2 fs).

Download syslinux-4.06.tar.gz and bring it into a newly created folder of the hdd. Then

tar xvf syslinux-4.06.tar.gz
cd syslinux-4.06/extlinux
./extlinux --install /media/system/slax/boot/

Remember that my hdd was labelled “system” and (automatically) mounted on /media/system/


Posted by on 2013/09/11 in sys


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5 responses to “Slax 7 on HDD: how to fix the “failed to load com32 file /slax/boot/vesamenu.c32” boot error

  1. yos

    2013/10/29 at 11:26

    how have you automaticaly mount your boot device on /dev/system normaly alredy monted on /mnt/live/memory/data ?


    • pirraste

      2013/10/29 at 12:48

      SLAX is phisically installed on the HDD (see this link as a sample).
      If I can remember well (I have not that pc with me) the mount command was into the “/etc/rc.d/rc.local” file.

  2. Pstuwx

    2015/02/12 at 05:13

    Hi.i would like to know how to install Slax 7 on a windows xp computer. Thanks

  3. Petr

    2016/02/25 at 09:47

    probably right directory is syslinux-xxx/bios/extlinux , but in my case it does’n work anyway


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